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Detailed Event Schedule
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Thursday, 3 October 2013

 ​ ​  ​ 

   8.00 - 9.00


   9.00 - 9.30


 Hall A

   9.30 - 10.30

KEYNOTE SPEECH – Prof. Fernando Porte-Agel
 Hall A

   10.30 - 10.50



    Wind Potential and Resource Assessment – I       
Session Chair: Prof. Ismail Tuncer
 Hall A 
    A New System to Wind Energy Forecast Based on Multi-Model Scheme
Paredes L. F., Romeo M. G., Marco I. M.

 10.50 - 12.30   Wind Atlas of Aegean Sea with SAR data
Bingöl F., Hasseger C. B., Badger M., Badger J.

    Unsteady Atmospheric Turbulent Flow Solutions Coupled with a Mesoscale Weather Prediction Model
Leblebici E., Ahmet G., Tuncer I. H.

    Online Training in WAsP for Wind Energy Professionals
Badger M. et al

    Potential Wind Power Density of the Triple Conoid Building Form
Phan N., Land P, Porte-Agel F.

   12.30 - 13.30



                Rotor Aerodynamics – I            
Session Chair: Asst. Prof. Nilay Sezer Uzol
   Structures and Materials - I    
Session Chair: Prof. Altan Kayran
 Hall A Hall B 
    Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows Around a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Using Different Sub-Grid Scale Models
Alpman E., Kody S., Yılmaz B. 

  Multi-Scale Modeling of Delamination in Composite Laminates in Aggressive Environments
Roy S., Upadhyaya P., Haque M., Lu H. 

 13.30 - 15.10   Numerical Simulations of the Laminar and Turbulent Flow OVER Wind Turbine Airfoils Using OpenFOAM
Medjroubi W., Rahimi H., Peinke J.

  Experimental Investigation of Delamination in L-Shaped Composite Brackets  
Uyar I., Arca M., Yavaş D., Gözlüklü B., Coker D. 

    Vortex Generators for Wind Turbine Blades: Wind Tunnel Tests, Field Simulations and Structural Analysis
Pechlivanoglou G., Philippidis T., Vey S., Eisele O., Nayeri C. N., Pashereit C. O.

  Semi-Geodesic Winding of Composite Conical Shells – Possible Application for Composite Towers
Kayran A., Ibrahimoglu C. S
    Boundary Layer Separation Control Over S809 Airfoil Using Synthetic Jet Actuators
Gul M., Akmandor S., Uzol O.
  A Comprehensive Numerical Model for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines Aeroelasticity
Calabretta A., Colella M. M., Greco L., Dubbioso G., Testa C., Gennaretti M.

    Experimental Study of the Effects of Vortex Generator on Thick Wind Turbine Rotor Blade Section
Stalnov O., Seifert A

  Design Optimization of a Whiffletree System for Static Testing of a Wind Turbine Blade  
Yeniceli S. C., Kayran A.

   15.10 - 15.30


                Wind Farms and Wakes
        Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Oguz Uzol
Hall A
    Modeling of Wind Farm Aerodynamics
Selvaraj S., Chaves A. J., Takle E., Sharma A.

 15.30 - 17.10   Large Eddy Simulations for Predicting Aerodynamic Noise due to Rod Wake-Airfoil Interaction
Sharma A.

    Investigations of Two Wind Turbines in a Row by Using CFD with Actuator Disk Model and Overset Grids
Sert I. O., Cakmakcioglu S. C., Tugluk O., Sezer-Uzol N.

    Phase-Locked Averaging of Mean Velocity and Turbulent Quantities in a Wind Turbine Wake
Eriksen, P. E., Krogstad P. A.

    Development of a Non-Linear Numerical Lifting Line Method for Aeroelastic Analysis of Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbines
Yükselen A., Kılıç Z., Kalkan A., Us S.

   19.30 - 23.30                                                        


Friday, 4 October, 2013


   8.00 - 9.30


   9.30 - 10.30

                                  KEYNOTE SPEECH – Assoc. Prof. Sridhar Idapalapati                            
Hall A 

   10.30 - 10.50


   10.50 - 12.30

 Structures and Materials – II
Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Demirkan Coker
Rotor Aerodynamics – II
Session Chair: Prof. Yusuf Ozyoruk
Wind Potential and Resource
Assessment – II 
Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dilek Funda Kurtulus
 Hall A  Hall B Hall C 
    Vibration-response-based Damage Detection for Scale Wind Turbine Blades Under Varying Environmental Conditions
Gonzales A. G., Fassois S. D.

Aerodynamic Characterization of NREL S826 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers
Ostovan Y., Amiri H.,  Uzol O.

A Comparison of Long-Term Wind Data Sets for Two Sites in Turkey 
Mengelkamp H. T., Hiz T.

    Wind Loading Evaluation on Steel Wind Turbine Towers: Codified Provisions and Standards
Seçer M., Efthymiou E., Baniotopoulos C. C.

Computational Investigation of NREL S826 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers  
Cakmakcioglu S. C., Sert I. O., Tugluk O., Sezer-Uzol N.

Comparison of Forrest Parameters for an Operational Wind Farm Using CFD
Orhan O. E., Unal U., 

    Inverse Design of 3D Reference Wind Turbine Blades to Study Bending-Twisting Coupling Effect on Load Alleviation
Gozcu M. O. , Olgun N., Kayran A.

Double Multiple Streamtube Modeling of H-Type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine  
Cengeloglu A., Kutay A. T

Mesoscale and CFD Coupling for Wind Resource Assessment and Its Relevance in Turkey
Abiven C.

    Effect of Off-Axis Spar Cap Plies on the Damage Equivalent Loads in Wind Turbines with Super Element Blade Definition
Gozcu M. O., Olgun N., Kayran A.

Aerodynamic Design of Turbine Blades Using Full Dynamic Analysis of a Wind Turbine
Ozkan A.
A Bayesian Model of Wind Direction    
Kilic M. B., Kalaylioglu Z.

    Testing of Wind Turbines Rotor Blades
Van Wingerde A.M., Sayer F., Antoniou A. E., Bürkner F., Putnam E.

Wind Resource Assessment in Bodrum Peninsula  
Ozdede S., Kurtulus D. F., Kurtulus B.
Hall A

  12.30 - 13.30                                                                                         

     End of Conference